How to set click event in DT_RowData in the server side using java
How to set click event in DT_RowData in the server side using java
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to set an onclick event in each <tr> of my datatable, this is what I'm doing:
response.setDT_RowData("{ 'onclick' : \"reviewPurchaseOrder(this);\"}");
My response JSON looks like this:
\u0027onclick\u0027 : \"reviewPurchaseOrder(this);\"}",
This is my html:
<tr class="odd" role="row" id="27072580060722369635737438916"></tr>
The DT_RowId is working perfectly but I am not able to add the onclick event in each tr.
I really appreciate if somebody can give me clue about how to achieve this.