Last page wrong displayed

Last page wrong displayed

Vonmel9Vonmel9 Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited July 2016 in Free community support

Hi guys !

In first step, sorry for my english I'm french and my english is so bad... ahahah !

So, my problem is that when I go to the last page, records don't displayed correctly... I'm looking for this issue on the forum since few days but I don't see anything that could help me...

In order to explain better my problem, I tell you an example :

  • my lengthPage is set on 10 records by the user,
  • I have 12 records on my database,
  • first page, it's okay, I can see the 10 first records,
  • but, when I go to the last page, there is always 10 records displayed, and don't displayed only the 2 last records (and also, the records who are displayed start at the second records and finish at the 11th records...)
    ======> so missing the last record and displayed always 10 records on the last page instead of the 2 last records...

I expect you can understand my problem and help me !!

Thanks !

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