How to populate option based on condition
How to populate option based on condition

Assume datatables created and display correctly. And some fields can be edited using inline editing. I don't know how to populate options based on data on warehouse. For example when row with warehouse id = 1 then options for location is location[1]. If warehouse id = 2, then options set for location[2].
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
table: "#data-table",
ajax: '{!! route('maintenance.sparepart.balance.item', ['id' => $data->id]) !!}',
fields: [
{ name: "warehouse_id", type: 'select', options: warehouse },
{ name: "location_id", type: 'select', options: location[1] },
{ name: "price" },
{ name: "quantity" },
{ name: "remark" }
formOptions: { inline: { onBlur: 'submit' } }
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