problem reloading data from javascript array

problem reloading data from javascript array

jackalbrightjackalbright Posts: 14Questions: 4Answers: 0

I have a datatable that gets its data from a javascript array of objects. When I load the data the first time all is fine:

    yearlyTable = $('#yearlyReportTable').DataTable( {
        "pagingType": "full_numbers",
        "scrollY":     true,
        "scroller": {
            "loadingIndicator": true
        "rowId": 'period',
        "columns": [
                "data": "period" ,
                "width": "25%"
                "data": "subtotal" ,
                "width": "25%"
                "data": "total",
                "width": "25%"
                "data": "num_invoices",
    } );

Periodically, the contents of the datatables_raw_data array will change, at which time I want to refresh datatables.

I tried doing this but the table does not change. I can confirm that the array contains valid data. My data is available in the global scope.

if(the_data_changed){ = yearArray;

Is this the wrong approach to the problem?

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