Header and Row misalignment with FixedColumns

Header and Row misalignment with FixedColumns

iarecuezeroiarecuezero Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited August 2016 in Free community support

I'm using Datatables FixedColumns 3.2.2 and Datatables version 1.10.10. I'm seeing an issue with some tables showing the table header misaligned and the table rows misaligned when making a volumn visible/invisible after changing pages. Attached are images showing the issue.

1) When hovering over the 'Jul' column the JDE column should be visible with the column and column headers shifting over to the right.
a. Before-HoverVisible: Table before the JDE column is visible
b. After-HoverCorrect: Table header that displays correctly when column is made visible.
c.After-HoverComparison: The image shows the working header in the bottom part of the pic. In the top the headers all shift over about 3-5 pixels. Since the column is shown/hidden on hover the header movement is very noticeable.

2) When showing/hiding the JDE column then changing pages, the rows are misaligned with the fixed columns. As soon as you vertically scroll the rows get re-aligned.
a. AfterPagechange-RowMisaligned: All coumns.to the left of 2016 Jan are fixed.

Has anyone encountered these issues before? Is there some redraw method that needs to be called after changing pages? A few things to note:
- Datatables version: 1.10.10
- FixedColumns version: 3.2.2
- There are no styling libraries in use i.e. bootstrap, jquery UI
- The datatables are set to a fixed height
- Row height is not fixed

Chris C.

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