Strange formatting in Explorer - how to disable child rows/responsiveness?
Strange formatting in Explorer - how to disable child rows/responsiveness?
I hope you guys can help me. This is probably a simple thing but it's frustrating me!
I have a very simple table that calls a Google Spreadsheet. Code:
[gdoc key="MyGoogleSpreadsheet" class="MoatScreener" datatables_page_length="50" query="select H, I, J, A, B, C, F"]
This table looks beautiful in Chrome, exactly the way I want it to. Smaller columns are tight, wider columns use intelligent word wrapping. However, Explorer does strange column sizing and cuts off the last column (F) and creates a green plus sign & child row.
I can actually see the correct table for a split second while it loads in Explorer but then BAM! it converts itself to the annoying formatting.
What am I missing here?
Thank you so much!!