Without 'language', API throws an error?
Without 'language', API throws an error?
Posts: 26Questions: 9Answers: 0
I have a working dataTables with these options:
var table = $('.table-wrapper #table').DataTable({
pageLength : 25,
language : {
url : '/js/lib/dataTables/en_US.json',
processing : "Processing...",
search : "Search:",
lengthMenu : "Entries per page: _MENU_",
info : "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
infoEmpty : "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
infoFiltered : "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
infoPostFix : "",
loadingRecords : "",
zeroRecords : "No matching records found",
emptyTable : "No data available in table",
paginate: {
first : "<i class='fa fa-first'></i>",
previous : "<",
next : ">",
last : ">>"
select: {
rows: {
_: "{t}%d rows selected{/t}",
1: "{t}1 row selected{/t}"
data: {$users_json},
rowId: 'id',
columns: [
{ data: 'fullname', title: "<span class='checkbox-wrapper'><input type='checkbox' name='select-all'></span>{t}Name{/t}" },
{ data: 'email', title: "{t}Email address{/t}" },
{ data: 'locale', title: '<i class="fa fa-comment" title="{t}Language{/t}"></i>' },
{ data: 'props' },
{ data: 'dummy' },
{ data: 'auth_count', title: '<i class="fa fa-sign-in big" title="{t}Logins{/t}"></i>' }
columnDefs: [
{ searchable: false, targets: [2,3,4] },
{ orderable: false, targets: 3 },
{ visible: {$customer.contract.is_trial}, targets: [4] }
order: [[ 0, 'asc' ], [ 1, 'asc' ]],
pagingType: "full_numbers",
lengthMenu: [ [25, 50, 100, -1], [25, 50, 100, "{t}All{/t}"] ]
$('.table-wrapper table')
.on('draw.dt', function () { ...... })
I presumably doing something wrong, but when I remove 'language.url', the variable 'table' is undefined in the 'draw.dt' event.
Does that make any sense?
This discussion has been closed.
Looks okay to me. Please link to a test case showing the issue.