JQuery doesen't work after I used the searchbox or I change the page of the table.

JQuery doesen't work after I used the searchbox or I change the page of the table.

JotanasJotanas Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hello everyone,
I made a JQuery function the one deletes the row I selected. I know that the option exist in the DataTables option, but I want to do by myself, because I prefer to not use AJAX, just JQuery and JSON.
The problem appears when I search some specify row in the datatable with the search option, then I click the button to delete, and nothing happens. The other mistake is when I click to the next page, then, all the rows from that page will not work either.

Do you guys know what this could be?

Here I let my JQuery function:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $( ".botFactura" ).bind( "click", function() {
        idFact = this.id;
        var confirmacio = confirm("Do you want to delete this row? "+idFact);
            $.post("operacions/borraFact.php", {idFact: idFact}, null, "json").done(function(data){


Then, the JSon file is this one:


$idFact= $_POST['idFact'];
$arrayDatos = array();

$borrar = 'DELETE FROM factures WHERE id="'.$idFact.'"';
//$connBorr = mysqli_query($conn,$borrar);

$arrayDatos['missatge'] = "Factura ".$idFact." esborrada!";

$arrayDatos['missatge'] = "No s'ha trobat";

echo json_encode($arrayDatos);

<?php > ``` ?>

I would appreciate any solution or something that could help me to correct the issue!

Thank you!

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