fnDeleteROW bug

fnDeleteROW bug

dawidmal22dawidmal22 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2011 in Bug reports
During erasing a row when you do it first it deletes the row that you wanted but if i delete another row in the same time (withour rerfeshing page ) it deletes different row.

For example we have 5 rows


I delete 4 is fine
deleting 3 in same time without refreshing - row 3 it deletes 1 or 2 i cant say which one.


  • manikantamanikanta Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited August 2011
    I m also facing the same issue.

    I've created the 'Actions' column dynamically and inserted 'Delete' icon, and passing the table index.

    Script I m using to create the table and column:

    (function () {
    App = {};
    // delete the row
    App.deleteRow = function (index, dbId) {
    if(confirm('Do you want to delete: ' + dbId)) {
    if(deleteRecordAtServer()) { // make server request
    jqdt.fnDeleteRow(index, function (dtSettings, row) {
    console.log('Row deleted');
    }, true);

    var renderActions = function (idCol) {
    var id = idCol.aData.id; // get the id
    return '';

    $.fn.dataTableExt.sErrMode = 'throw';
    jqdt = $('#dataTable').dataTable( {
    bJQueryUI: true,
    sPaginationType: 'full_numbers',
    aaData: testdata.records,
    aoColumns: [
    { mDataProp: 'name', sTitle: 'Name' },
    { mDataProp: 'name', sTitle: 'Name' },
    { mDataProp: 'id', bSortable: false, sWidth: 'auto',
    sTitle: 'Actions', fnRender: renderActions }
    } );


    And, the test data is:

    testdata = {
    "records": [
    {"id": "1", "name": "Record 1" },
    {"id": "2", "name": "Record 2" },
    {"id": "3", "name": "Record 3" },
    {"id": "4", "name": "Record 4" },
    {"id": "5", "name": "Record 5" }

    When I delete for first time (some times, for second time too) correct row is getting deleted. But from then on, some random row is getting deleted.

    Is this a bug or will indexes change when a row is deleted? if indexes are changed again, then we've a problem with the 'Delete' link generation!

  • manikantamanikanta Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Seems there is some bug using the row index for the deletion.

    Workaround for that is using the cell () node. It is discussed in http://www.datatables.net/forums/discussion/6309/solved-fndeleterow-deleting-wrong-rows#Item_2
  • fbasfbas Posts: 1,094Questions: 4Answers: 0
    I don't think it's a bug. I think you set up your links when the data was in the first state, and your ID's matched the datatable's internal state

    after deleting one item, if you don't update your rendered links (refresh the page/table), your row ID's will no longer match for some of the rows.
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