colResize not work properly after buttons colvis ?
colResize not work properly after buttons colvis ?
colvis working fine
colResize working fine
but when i hide 2-3 columns and then resize
resize in not working .
i think resize column plugin not work with colvis.
i notice for example i have 15 columns
hide column number 3,4
resize work perfect on columns 1 and 2
but after a 5-15 columns resize not working properly
my table config below :
i use datatable 1.10.12
"autoWidth": false,
'dom': 'ZBlfrtip',
'colResize': {
"order": [],
'bDestroy': true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
'fixedHeader': {
header: true,
headerOffset: $('#menu').height(),
// headerOffset:135,
What is
? I'm not sure what software is providing that option, but I'm afraid the DataTables project does not provide a drag and drop column resizing option at the moment, so that must be third party code. You'd need to ask the author of that code if you are having problems with it.Allan