I am facing problem when I am doing server side processing.
I am facing problem when I am doing server side processing.
Hello, I am applying server side processing to true but I am getting issue. I am getting data as following.
Above data getting from ASP.NET Web Service and after getting data I am parsing data from dataSrc like as following
dataSrc: function (response) {
response = JSON.parse(response.d);
return response.data;
My data is binding to datatable but getting trouble in in paging
Sorry if I am getting your question wrong...
Is your ASP.NET code doing paging for you (breaking the data in piece based on the querystring provided by datatable)?
It is the expected behavior when you set server-side to true.
.If you want get data from server-side but, once data is ready in client-side, paginate it, you should not enable this option.