Retain selection on paging when using ajax
Retain selection on paging when using ajax
I have a datatable which gets its data from a .net WebAPI call using ajax. This works correctly, even with sorting, filtering and paging. I've also been using the Select plugin to enable the user to select indidivual rows (for an export). That also works.
I've setup the rowId setting to enable the Select plugin to retain the selection on reload as suggested here.
This only partially works, however: it does remember the selection on reload, but only if the previously selected items are still on the current page.
So when filtering some selections disappear (I don't really mind this, though), and (more importantly) when going to another page (using pagination) the selection is lost.
Is there any way to make the Select pluging retain the selected rows (or ids), even when those rows are not currently displayed because of paging?