Load From JSON Object Error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'nTf' of undefined
Load From JSON Object Error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'nTf' of undefined
Hi All,
I am using JSON object and i want to load to the table, however i encounter this error message and the data is not loaded.
Error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'nTf' of undefined
Please help to see where i go wrong
Window | UVAName | SequenceNumber | StepID | StartParam1 | StartValue1 | StartParam2 | StartValue2 | EndParam1 | EndValue1 | EndParam2 | EndValue2 | |
Window | UVAName | SequenceNumber | StepID | StartParam1 | StartValue1 | StartParam2 | StartValue2 | EndParam1 | EndValue1 | EndParam2 | EndValue2 |
data: r,
columns: [
{data: "window_name"},
{data: "ref_uva_name"},
{data: "batch_seq_number"},
{data: "batch_step_id"},
{data: "start_param_1"},
{data: "start_value_1"},
{data: "start_param_2"},
{data: "start_value_2"},
{data: "end_param_1"},
{data: "end_value_1"},
{data: "end_param_2"},
{data: "end_value_2"}],
"paging": false,
"info": false,
"searching": false,
columnDefs: [ {
orderable: false,
className: 'select-checkbox',
targets: 0
} ],
select: {
style: 'os',
selector: 'td:first-child'
order: [[ 1, 'asc' ]]
[{"start_actual_value_2": null, "end_param_3": null, "area": "CV", "end_value_2": null, "window_name": "AllDCTime", "end_param_2": null, "end_trim_method": "seconds", "start_param_1": null, "ref_window": null, "old_uva_name": "FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_MULTI_Chuck_RecipeEnd_TC_80s90s_001", "start_value_1": null, "start_actual_value_3": null, "batch_seq_number": null, "end_actual_value_1": null, "start_param_2": null, "end_value_1": null, "ref_recipe_name": "13170", "new_recipe_name": null, "start_value_2": null, "start_trim_method": "seconds", "start_param_3": null, "start_value_3": null, "end_trim_actual_value": "-2000", "start_trim_actual_value": "2000", "start_actual_value_1": null, "process_type": "Single Wafer Process", "batch_step_id": null, "end_actual_value_2": null, "end_param_1": null, "start_trim_value": "2.0", "end_trim_value": "-2.0", "end_value_3": null, "ref_uva_name": "FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_MULTI_Chuck_RecipeEnd_TC_80s90s_001", "end_actual_value_3": null},
{"start_actual_value_2": null, "end_param_3": null, "area": "CV", "end_value_2": null, "window_name": "Dep", "end_param_2": null, "end_trim_method": "seconds", "start_param_1": "StepID", "ref_window": null, "old_uva_name": "FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_MULTI_Chuck_RecipeEnd_TC_80s90s_001", "start_value_1": "2", "start_actual_value_3": "StepID", "batch_seq_number": null, "end_actual_value_1": "$FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_TC_Chuck_RecipeSteps:DepStopStep", "start_param_2": null, "end_value_1": "2", "ref_recipe_name": "13170", "new_recipe_name": null, "start_value_2": null, "start_trim_method": "seconds", "start_param_3": null, "start_value_3": null, "end_trim_actual_value": "-1000", "start_trim_actual_value": "5000", "start_actual_value_1": "$FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_TC_Chuck_RecipeSteps:DepStartStep", "process_type": "Single Wafer Process", "batch_step_id": null, "end_actual_value_2": null, "end_param_1": "StepID", "start_trim_value": "5.0", "end_trim_value": "-1.0", "end_value_3": null, "ref_uva_name": "FD_CV_AMAT_PRODSE_MULTI_Chuck_RecipeEnd_TC_80s90s_001", "end_actual_value_3": null}]
if i take out the th 'blank; /th on thead and tfoot it able to show,
however the location of the checkbox is hanging in the middle, i want to push to most left, how to do this?
Probably using CSS. If you can give me a link to a running test case I'd be happy to take a look.