datatables button with bootstrap tooltip
datatables button with bootstrap tooltip
so i create button for interaction into datatables like this....
buttons: [
text: '<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <u>A</u>dd',
titleAttr: 'Add New Entry',
key: {
altKey: true,
key: 't'
action: function(){
window.location.href = "{{URL::to('admins/'.$kelas.'/create')}}";
but i somewhat find some limitation by creating button like this... since i can't add some custom attribute like now i want to add bootstrap tooltip and it is very easy just add "data-toggle" and "data-placement" into the button so it will be like this
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Tooltip on top">Tooltip on top</button>
but i can't find any way to add those attribute into it... so please anyone know how to deal with it? or maybe there is another work around ?