DataTables warning: table id=dataTable - Requested unknown parameter 'ID' for row 0, column 0. For m

DataTables warning: table id=dataTable - Requested unknown parameter 'ID' for row 0, column 0. For m

jdbdlinejdbdline Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0

Hi all

When I try to display my datatable after using datatables post I get the following error : DataTables warning: table id=dataTable - Requested unknown parameter 'ID' for row 0, column 0. For more information about this error, please see

Please see my code for the datatable :

var dataTable = $('#dataTable').dataTable( {

            "order": [[ 1, "asc" ]],

            "aoColumnDefs"  :

                "bSortable": true ,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

                "bSortable": true ,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

                "bSortable": true ,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

                "bSortable": true,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

                "bSortable": true ,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

                "bSortable": true ,
                                    "mRender": function(amt, type, full) {
                    if (amt > 0 || amt < 0){
                        return '<?=$currency?>'+' '+formatNum(amt);
                    } else {
                        return "";

            "Processing": true,
            "ServerSide": true,
            "sAjaxSource": '<?php echo site_url('accounting/ajax_age_history_filtered/')?>',
            "POST": {
                "url": '<?php echo site_url('accounting/ajax_age_history_filtered/')?>',
                'type'    : 'POST',
                'data': {
                     comparisondate: comparisonday,                 
                                    start_date: start_date, 
                                    end_date: end_date  


            "bJQueryUI": true,
            "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
            "iDisplayLength": 20,
            "iDisplayStart ":20,
            "columns": [{
                "data": "ID",
                "mDataProp": "id",
                "mData": "ID"
            }, {
                "data": "Date",
                "mDataProp": "age_date",
                "mData": "Date"
            }, {
                "data": "Inv",
                "mDataProp": "num_invoices",
                "mData": "Inv"
            }, {
                "data": "120 Days",
                "mDataProp": "d120",
                "mData": "120 Days"
            }, {
                "data": "90 Days",
                "mDataProp": "d90",
                "mData": "90 Days"
            }, {
                "data": "60 Days",
                "mDataProp": "d60",
                "mData": "60 Days"
            }, {
                "data": "30 Days",
                "mDataProp": "d30",
                "mData": "30 Days"
            }, {
                "data": "Current",
                "mDataProp": "current",
                "mData": "Current"
            }, {
                "data": "Total",
                "mDataProp": "total",
                "mData": "Total"
        } );

here is my php server side code



                        ->where('age_date >= ',$start_date)
                        ->where('age_date <= ',$end_date);   
                   echo $this->datatables->generate();

Datatable debug:

Any help will be appreciated


  • allanallan Posts: 63,230Questions: 1Answers: 10,416 Site admin

    "data": "ID"

    However you JSON has:

    "id": "259",

    Note the difference in the case. Javascript is case-sensitive, thus the error message. I think if you just match the cases it will work okay.


  • jdbdlinejdbdline Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Hi Allan

    I have managed to solve this by giving mData and mDataProp the same value in each column

    "data": "ID",
    "mDataProp": "id",
    "mData": "id"
    }, {
    "data": "Date",
    "mDataProp": "age_date",
    "mData": "age_date"


  • allanallan Posts: 63,230Questions: 1Answers: 10,416 Site admin

    Both are legacy. is the parameter to use for modern versions of DataTables.


This discussion has been closed.