How do I achieve the old colvis fnLabel()?
How do I achieve the old colvis fnLabel()?
Posts: 24Questions: 1Answers: 0
Upgrading to 1.10, and I have a tough time finding a way to replace the old colvis fnLabel()
I need a callback to dynamically create each button name.
The new implementation is pretty opaque:
_columnText: function ( dt, col ) {
// Use DataTables' internal data structure until this is presented
// is a public API. The other option is to use
// `$( column(col).node() ).text()` but the node might not have been
// populated when Buttons is constructed.
var idx = dt.column( col ).index();
return dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[ idx ].sTitle
.replace(/\n/g," ") // remove new lines
.replace( /<.*?>/g, "" ) // strip HTML
.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); // trim
Here is the old API:
$('#example').dataTable( {
"sDom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip',
"oColVis": {
"fnLabel": function ( index, title, th ) {
return (index+1) +'. '+ title;
} );
Leveraging this callback, I used to be able to reach in the th
and grab a data-full-name
attribute I had placed there for this purpose.
fnLabelCallback = function (index, title, th) {
return $(th).attr('data-full-name') || title || ('Column #' + (index + 1));
Any suggestion?
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