How to hide item from colvis collection menu?
How to hide item from colvis collection menu?
I have certain columns that has column title in the datatables grid which has colvis support.
But I don't wanta some of them to be shown in the colvis collection menu, such as some identification id.
For example, I made a column with width zero, and get data from server response.
《table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="tableListProvider"》
《th class="text-right" style="width:10%"》serialNo《/th》
《th style="width:20%"》providerName《/th》
《th style="width:0%"》providerId《/th》
《th class="text-center" style="width:70%"》Operation《/th》
$('#tableListProvider').dataTable({ dom: "l<'pull-right'B>frtip", autoWidth: false, lengthChange: true, searching: true, info: true, paging: true, buttons: [ { extend: 'colvis', text: " Choose Columns", className: 'btn-sm' } ], columns: [ { data: null, className: 'text-right', render : function(data, type, row, meta) { return meta.settings._iDisplayStart + meta.row + 1; } }, { data: 'providerName' }, { data: 'providerId' , visible: false } ], //... });
How to I modify the button for 'colvis' to hide column 'providerId' from the colvis dropdown menu?
Thanks very much!