short code syntax for zebra stripes
short code syntax for zebra stripes
I'm new here and just installed the Google inline spreadsheet viewer for WordPress. I was referred here for help. I'd like to add zebra striping using the short codes but haven't figured out the right syntax yet. Right now my short code line looks like this:
[gdoc key="ABCDEFG" datatables_page_length="25"]
I want to add to this short code line the datatables_stripeClasses option, with two elements in the array for alternating stripes. I've tried a few guesses at the syntax but haven't succeeded yet.
Thanks for any help!
I'm afraid I know nothing about WordPress's shortcodes - you'd need to ask in a WordPress forum about that.
Assuming that you can set options, the
option is the one that allows the zebra classes to be customised in its default of
not what you want? With those, its just a little bit of CSS that is needed.Allan