How can I edit table data each time data is changed
How can I edit table data each time data is changed
I want to control table data and ensure that a field is unique (by concatenating to its value the instance number),
For this I look for a callback that will be called before drawing table, and called each time table data is changed.
My table data may be changed using:
Adding rows by: $(TestsToExecTable_id).DataTable().rows.add(testsToAdd).draw();
Loading new data by: $(TestsToExecTable_id).DataTable().clear().draw(); -> dt.fnAddData(allNewElements);
I've tried createdRow callback and it works fine for first time, but not called when adding rows to table...
Is there a callback that match my needs, or maybe can I use another way to implement this?
Thanka a lot!
I resolved issue by changing method of adding rows feature from rows.add to fnAddData, This calls createdRow callback....