DataTable - How to make single column as Editable column

DataTable - How to make single column as Editable column

surip1980surip1980 Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

Im using Datatable1.10 for creating dynamic table based on server side json response.

I would like to make the column> 'priority' as Editable, while other columns remains non-editable. How can I do this using Datatable functions.

var selectedTable = $('#selected_table').DataTable(
                "columns"     :     [  
                             {     "mData"     :     "id"},  
                             {     "mData"     :     "plugin_name"},  
                             {     "mData"     :     "plugin_rule_key"},
                             {     "mData"     :     "name"},
                             {     "mData"     :     "priority"}  


  • allanallan Posts: 62,857Questions: 1Answers: 10,343 Site admin

    There is an example showing how to use Editor with only specific columns available here.


  • surip1980surip1980 Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hi Allan,
    This example uses > > " $.fn.dataTable.Editor" which need a License to be procured. Is there any solution available without procuring License.


  • allanallan Posts: 62,857Questions: 1Answers: 10,343 Site admin

    I'm sure there is - Editor is built on top of DataTables' public API, so you are free to create your own editing software. But given that Editor is my product and how DataTables development is funded, that is how I recommend editing be done :smile:. Editor's value proposition is that the work as already been done.


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