How to add external data in header and footer with design???
How to add external data in header and footer with design???
Usually header will be viewed in all pages.What i want to know is How to customise below link and add external data or images above header in which those datas must be viewed in all respective pages like header?
The next question is I want some text content in footer which also must be displayed in all pages?
Kindly confirm whether two questions have solutions.Need a quick reply which would be grateful.
anybody help me...
There is no API to change the header text on each page change. Having said that, you could listen for the
event and then usecolumn().header()
to modify the header cell text.If that text is also dynamic you'd need to use the same approach with
.Priority support is available if you need quick help.
Okay thanks. I will try
I have one more doubt. While I am working on orientation,there is an issue with Adode reader
If I use landscape,i can able to view page split up if number of pages is greater one.
When I use portrait, I cannot able to view page split up between each pages in adode pdf.
I want to know Why and alternative solution..
That would be one for Adobe support - I'm afraid I can't help there.
okay thanks.
I have attached screen shot.
My problem is Page split up when long text occurred.
How to resolve this issue???
You download a pdf from above url.
open a pdf by using Adobe pdf reader and preview for mac.
Allan already answered this. You need Adobe support.
@tangerine i found the solution . leave that question.
did you see the screenshot?
can you reply for that question?
That's an issue with the pdfmake library. It might have a text wrap option, but I'm not sure. You'd need to refer to their documentation.
It appears to work okay for me.