Fixed showing message and page number
Fixed showing message and page number
Posts: 30Questions: 10Answers: 2
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to have fixed showing number and page number. So I would to have as footer this value
so this values are always visible
This is my datatable code:
if ( ! $.fn.DataTable.isDataTable( '#acquisitionsTable' ) ) {
acquisitionTable = $('#acquisitionsTable').DataTable({
responsive: true,
fixedHeader: {
header: true,
headerOffset: $('.main-header').outerHeight()
pageLength: 100,
//disable order and search on column
columnDefs: [
targets: 0,
//set priority to column, so when resize the browser window this botton stay on the screen because have max priority
responsivePriority: 1,
//fix problem with responsive table
"autoWidth": false,
"url": "table/"+document.getElementById("hiddenIdCar").value,
"dataSrc": function ( json ) {
if (typeof json.success == 'undefined')
window.location.href = "/500";
else if (json.success){
notifyMessage(json.result, 'error');
return "";
"error": function (xhr, error, thrown) {
window.location.href = "/500";
"columns": [
{ "data": "idShift" },
{ "data": "missionProfile" },
else {
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