How to add a custom row at the bottom of excel export

How to add a custom row at the bottom of excel export

jasontt33jasontt33 Posts: 3Questions: 2Answers: 0

I need a way to insert a row at the end of my data set in the excel export. I am using the excelHtml5 buttons and can insert a row at the top before my column headers and data, but need to add a row at the bottom. Any ideas?


  • therultherul Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited November 2018

    You can do this, but you will need to run the buttons.html5.js locally and modify it..

    here is my code where I set the width of the cells, I should probably submit it sometime.
    But you would want to add your code after the broken out area

        // Excel (xlsx) export
        DataTable.ext.buttons.excelHtml5 = {
            className: 'buttons-excel buttons-html5',
            available: function () {
                return window.FileReader !== undefined && window.JSZip !== undefined && !_isSafari();
            text: function (dt) {
                return dt.i18n('buttons.excel', 'Excel');
            action: function (e, dt, button, config) {
                // Set the text
                var cellLength = [];
                var xml = '';
                var data = dt.buttons.exportData(config.exportOptions);
                var addRow = function (row) {
                    var cells = [];
                    for (var i = 0, ien = row.length ; i < ien ; i++) {
                        if (row[i] === null || row[i] === undefined) {
                            row[i] = '';
                        // Don't match numbers with leading zeros or a negative anywhere
                        // but the start
                        cells.push(typeof row[i] === 'number' || (row[i].match && row[i].match(/^-?[0-9\.]+$/) && row[i].charAt(0) !== '0') ?
                            '<c t="n"><v>' + row[i] + '</v></c>' :
                            '<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>' + (
                                !row[i].replace ?
                                    row[i] :
                                        .replace(/&(?!amp;)/g, '&amp;')
                                        .replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/g, '')) + // remove control characters
                            '</t></is></c>'                                    // they are not valid in XML
                        if (cellLength.length == i) {
                            cellLength[i] = 0;
                        var myLength = getWidthOfText(row[i]);
                        cellLength[i] = cellLength[i] > myLength ? cellLength[i] : myLength;
                    return '<row>' + cells.join('') + '</row>';
                //Define the columns
                if (config.header) {
                    xml += addRow(data.header);
                for (var i = 0, ien = data.body.length ; i < ien ; i++) {
                    xml += addRow(data.body[i]);
                if (config.footer) {
                    xml += addRow(data.footer);
                var lenXML = '';
                for (var i = 1; i <= cellLength.length; i++) {
                    //lenXML += '<col min="' + i + '" max="' + i + '" width="' + cellLength[i-1].toString() + '" customWidth="1"/>';
                    if(cellLength[i-1] != undefined){
                        lenXML += '<col min="' + i + '" max="' + i + '" width="' + cellLength[i - 1].toString() + '" bestFit="1" customWidth="1"/>'
                lenXML = lenXML ;
                var zip = new window.JSZip();
                var _rels = zip.folder("_rels");
                var xl = zip.folder("xl");
                var xl_rels = zip.folder("xl/_rels");
                var xl_worksheets = zip.folder("xl/worksheets");
                zip.file('[Content_Types].xml', excelStrings['[Content_Types].xml']);
                _rels.file('.rels', excelStrings['_rels/.rels']);
                xl.file('workbook.xml', excelStrings['xl/workbook.xml']);
                xl_rels.file('workbook.xml.rels', excelStrings['xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels']);
                excelStrings['xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml'] = excelStrings['xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml'].replace('_colWidth_',lenXML);
                xl_worksheets.file('sheet1.xml', excelStrings['xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml'].replace('__DATA__', xml));
                    zip.generate({ type: "blob" }),
            filename: '*',
            extension: '.xlsx',
            exportOptions: {},
            header: true,
            footer: false
        function getWidthOfText(txt) {
            return txt.length ;
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