Buttons html5 excel or printing numbers formatted problema
Buttons html5 excel or printing numbers formatted problema
Posts: 81Questions: 10Answers: 1
When exporting to excel or printing, columns containing numbers formatted as: 1.250,30 do not align to the right (the columns in excel are as string).
Previously I used tabletools and this problem did not occur.
Is there a way to pass to excel or to the impression that that formatted value is a number and not a string?
PS: send link in PM Allan
var tableRbs = $('[id$=tblRBS]').DataTable({
sDom: '<B>t<i>',
order: [[2, 'asc']],
pagingType: 'full_numbers',
lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 'Todos']],
displayLength: -1,
searchHighlight: true,
jQueryUI: true,
orderClasses: true,
bDeferRender: true,
scrollY: '30vh',
scrollCollapse: true,
bDestroy: true,
select: {
style: 'multi'
buttons: [
$.extend(true, {}, buttonCommon, {
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: 'Excel',
titleAttr: 'Exportar para Excel',
title: 'Teste',
exportOptions: { columns: ':visible' }
extend: 'print',
text: 'Imprimir',
titleAttr: 'Imprimir',
message: ' Teste de impressão ',
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible',
orthogonal: 'export'
customize: function (win) {
var w = $(win.document.body);
w.css('font-size', '8pt');
.css('font-size', '8pt');
columns: [
{ width: '60%' },
{ width: '20%' },
{ width: '20%' }
columnDefs: [
{ type: 'formatted-num', targets: [1, 2], sClass: "text-right", mRender: function (data) { return formatNumber(parseFloat(data).toFixed(2), '.', ',', '.'); } }
function formatNumber(nStr, inD, outD, sep) {
nStr += "";
var dpos = nStr.indexOf(inD);
var nStrEnd = "";
if (dpos != -1) {
nStrEnd = outD + nStr.substring(dpos + 1, nStr.length);
nStr = nStr.substring(0, dpos);
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(nStr)) {
nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, "$1" + sep + "$2");
if (nStrEnd == "") nStrEnd = ",00";
if (nStrEnd.length < 3) nStrEnd += "0";
return nStr + nStrEnd;
This discussion has been closed.
Currently no - sorry. Numbers which are formatted as
would correctly be detected as numbers (at least with the nightly version), but using the thousand and decimal separator the other way around currently won't detect it as a number I'm afraid. That is an internationalisation limitation that I am aware of an plan to fix in future.Allan
Hi Allan,
thanks for reply.
I do not know how I'm going to get around this. 80% of the datatables I use in the system have values in this format (PT-BR)
I think there are a couple of options:
thanks Allan