Hyperlinks disabled in RowReorder tables?
Hyperlinks disabled in RowReorder tables?
I'd like to use DataTables and the RowReorder extension to allow users to rearrange rows AND to click on links in the rows. (Eventually I'd like to use jQuery and run code when the user clicks on the link).
I'm having a problem - when using the 'Full Row Selection' example (https://www.datatables.net/extensions/rowreorder/examples/initialisation/selector.html) I can click anywhere in the row and drag-and-drop it. However, if I add a hyperlink I cannot actually click on the link (when I do the row goes into 'drag mode', but i do NOT follow the link).
Here's a fiddle with the (minor) change made of adding a link to one of the cells in one of the rows: https://jsfiddle.net/k9hy3df3/
I'm assuming that when RowReorder is installed it grabs all the mouse down / mouse up events, or does something with the event bubbling, etc, but I don't know where to even guess at what's happening beyond that
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!