How to change DataTable so that the column filters are in the thead on a new row and not underneath

How to change DataTable so that the column filters are in the thead on a new row and not underneath

shaneamondosshaneamondos Posts: 10Questions: 5Answers: 0
edited November 2016 in Free community support

I have looked everywhere and have not found a solution that helps in my situation.

data: dataSet,
columns: [
      { title: "Hidden col" },
      { title: "Hidden col" },
      { title: "col1" },
      { title: "col2" },
      { title: "col3" },
      { title: "col4" }
aoColumnDefs: [
      { iDataSort: 0, aTargets: [ 4 ] },
      { iDataSort: 1, aTargets: [ 5 ] },
      { bVisible: false, aTargets: [0,1] }

The source for my data is a json object and currently i am looping through the column headers to make a footer with an input in each and then using the following code:

table.columns().every( function () {
            var that = this;
            $( 'input', this.footer() ).on( 'keyup change', function () {
                if ( !== this.value ) {
                        .search( this.value )
            } );
        } );

This searches the table fine but it does not solve my problem as the column filters being on top of the table is a must. I can make the tfoot positioned absolute top but in a lot of cases this isnt a very sound solution and some of my tables have scrollY set and this causes issues.


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