File Upload on multiple datatables
File Upload on multiple datatables
Just to let you know my current setup is using this blog ( to have the Parent / Child. This configuration is working just fine, but I would like to have my child datatable to include some uploading features. The error that I am receiving is the "A server error occurred while uploading the file" I have some ideas as to why this is occurring, but I am uncertain.
Trying my best to use this example ( to configure the upload feature to be used on my child datatable.
Server Side Code
if(($var1== "true") && (is_numeric($_POST['ForeignKey']) || isset($_POST['ForeignKey']))) {
$mediaLibrary = Editor::inst( $db, 'TableName', 'ID' );
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' )->validator( 'Validate::required' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' )
->upload( Upload::inst( '/.../helloworld.png' ) //$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/upload/__ID__.__EXTN__'
->db( 'TableName', 'ID', array(
'TableName.Field' => 'helloworld'
) )
->validator( function ( $file ) {
return$file['size'] >= 5000000 ?
"Files must be smaller than 5 MB" :
} )
->allowedExtensions( array( 'png' ), "Please upload an image" )
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.ForeignKey' ),
Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' )
->leftJoin( 'ParentTable', 'ParentTable.ID', '=', 'TableName.ForeignKey' )
->where( 'ForeignKey', $_POST['ForeignKey'] )
echo json_encode( [ "data" => [] ] );
My first thought as to what may be wrong is this line "Field::inst( 'TableName.Field' )" right before the ->upload has no comma ",". Not sure if that needs to be there (forgive me but my PHP is a bit rusty. Not sure if my syntax is correct).
My second thought was the location of where the file is being stored is not correct. Hence, the reason why I hardcoded the directory and still get the same results.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post is the blog post of the Parent/Child datatable. That was my third thought that what if my conditional statements are preventing the upload because it doesn't know where to go. Not sure if this has a cause to this and Chrome's Network tab offers me very little information to help debug this.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadField"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="DiamondsByGia_Plugins.png"
Content-Type: image/png
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
What does the "Response" tab show? Does it show anything? If nothing at all, have a look in your server's error logs to see if there is an error reported there.