How to map/store data from AJAX into an array variable for further usage?
How to map/store data from AJAX into an array variable for further usage?
Dear All,
I'm able to populate the data into the table and it's done, but I'm stuck to store all data into an array variable. I can't find the syntax which able to be used after retrieving from Server-Side. See my scripts below,
opsiTable = $('#opsi').DataTable(
"destroy": true,
"paging": false,
"searching": true,
"ordering": true,
"info": false,
"processing": true,
"serverside": true,
"ajax": "ajax_table_opsi.php?id="+$(this).attr('id')
The script has been successful to populate 'tbody'.
Now, How do I store the data into variable below for later usage?
var opsiTemp = [];
Very appreciate for your help.