Column 0 disabled but arrows show until another column is sorted

Column 0 disabled but arrows show until another column is sorted

sinesinesinesine Posts: 4Questions: 3Answers: 0


I'm trying to disable sorting of the first two columns in my table, however the first one (column 0) is not actually disabled straight away. When you sort another column in the table, the arrows then go away.


$(document).ready( function () {
    $('#example').DataTable( {
            "order": [ 0, 'desc' ],
        "aoColumnDefs": [
          { "bSortable": false, "aTargets": [ 0, 1 ] } 
    } );
} );

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • sinesinesinesine Posts: 4Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Turns out that not having the default order column as 0 will help.

    "order": [ 4, 'desc' ],

    Works fine now.

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