Yadcf doesnt work after ColReorder change the column

Yadcf doesnt work after ColReorder change the column

mgutbormgutbor Posts: 32Questions: 5Answers: 0


I dont know if someone has this problem, but yadc filter doesn't work after I change one column position in the table.

If I applie the filter before move the colum, it works.

Is there a possible solution?

Thanks in advance.


  • daniel_rdaniel_r Posts: 460Questions: 4Answers: 67

    yadcf support colreorder out of the box, please provide a test page to show your issue

  • mgutbormgutbor Posts: 32Questions: 5Answers: 0

    Hi again Daniel,

    excuse for my delay, and here is te fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/mgutbor/0566dbvv/

    As you can see, first column (RFC) is a text filter.

    If I filter the column and after that I move it, everything works fine. But if I moved it to other position and, after that, I tried to filter the columns, javascript console throws this error:

    TypeError: yadcf.getOptions(...)[column_number] is undefined
    dataTables.yadcf.js (línea 795, col 27)

    Thanks again in advance for your help.

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