How can I integrate the Editor using require.
How can I integrate the Editor using require.
I installed all the datatable packages via NPM. It looks like this
window.$ = window.jQuery = require('jquery');
var DataTable = require( '' );
require( '' );
var buttons = require( '' );
require( '' );
require( '' );
require( '' );
require( '' );
require( '' );
This works great. Now I have troubles with the editor. Since it's a paid product it's not at NPM, if I include it before my main JS file I get an error that jQuery is not defined, if I include it after then I can't use the editor in my files as it's not initialized.
How can I solve this?
I tried these formats, but no luck.
require('./dataTables.editor.min.js'); //give me cannot find module "."
$.fn.dataTable.Editor = require('./dataTables.editor.min.js'); //give me cannot find module "."
window.fn.dataTable.Editor = require('./dataTables.editor.min.js'); //Cannot read property //'dataTable' of undefined
I basically have an assets/js folder where I have all the files and they are compiled using webpack.
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Never mind. I had to split my main JS file into two. That way I can just include the editor between both files.