Fatal error: Call to a member function insertId() on null
Fatal error: Call to a member function insertId() on null
Hi Allan,
would you kindly help me with this please. I get this fatal error using Editor to insert a row into a link table. I have a debug code as well, it is "ohufen".
( ! ) Fatal error: Call to a member function insertId() on null in
E:\xampp\htdocs\lgf\DataTables\php\Editor\Editor.php on line 1596
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0012 154368 {main}( ) ...\actions.php:0
2 0.0752 543584 tblUserCreditor( ) ...\actions.php:106
3 0.0920 922648 DataTables\Editor->process( ) ...\functions.php:730
4 0.0920 922992 DataTables\Editor->_process( ) ...\Editor.php:661
5 0.0932 923944 DataTables\Editor->_insert( ) ...\Editor.php:900
6 0.0932 924232 DataTables\Editor->_insert_or_update( ) ...\Editor.php:1040
UPDATE: Completely changed my approach - I couldn't get Mjoin running for my link table editing - even when I put the focus on the parent table like in this example:
I still got errors within Datatables and Editor. Is it possible that hese are caused by a bug in the new release? Anyway my issue has been resolved through editing the link table directly as a child table as described in the blog here:
This is my Editor code now. I also appended the link table with an extra column defining the user role for the respective creditor. In that sense it isn't a conventional link table any longer. Consequently I also had to add an id to the link table. Got rid of the Mjoin ...
function tblUserCreditor(&$db, &$lang) {
if ( ! isset($_POST['user']) || ! is_numeric($_POST['user']) ) {
echo json_encode( [ "data" => [] ] );
} else {
if ($lang === 'de') {
$msg[0] = 'Feld darf nicht leer sein.';
} else {
$msg[0] = 'Field may not be empty.';
Editor::inst( $db, 'creditor_has_user' )
Field::inst( 'creditor_has_user.user_id' )->set(Field::SET_CREATE),
// fourth parameter of options could be a where clause https://editor.datatables.net/manual/php/joins, null or limit
Field::inst( 'creditor_has_user.creditor_id' )->options('creditor', 'id', 'name'),
Field::inst( 'creditor_has_user.role' )->validator( 'Validate::notEmpty', array('message' => $msg[0]) ),
Field::inst( 'creditor.name' )
->leftJoin( 'user', 'user.id', '=', 'creditor_has_user.user_id' )
->leftJoin( 'creditor', 'creditor.id', '=', 'creditor_has_user.creditor_id' )
->where( 'creditor_has_user.user_id', $_POST['user'] )
->where( 'user.type', 'C' )
->on('preCreate', function ( $editor, $values ) {
// no acces to $id inside the function - need to access global array again
$userUser = filter_var($_POST['user']);
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Could you show me the Javascript code you are using as well please? That error suggests that the insert might have failed.
Yes, the insert definitely failed. I had also gotten it wrong initially. Later I thought I had it right but it didn't work either. Then I threw it all away and changed the approach - which was required anyway because I added the additional attribute on the link table - which isn't really just a link table any longer.
The code is gone ... But when I'll do another Mjoin and run into the same issues I will definitely let you know. My impression was however that I had precisely implemented your example mentioned above. But maybe I was wrong?!
Hi Allan,
it happened again ... I tried to implement the logic of this example: https://editor.datatables.net/examples/advanced/joinLinkTable.html
I hope I understood now what you are doing there. Upon insert into the users table you take the id of the new users row and the selected id of the dept table and insert them into the user_dept table - in that sequence.There is no way to insert the user_dept table row separately from the insert into the users table based on that example and the mjoin example.
I have a different requirement: I want to insert the user_dept table row separately through a child table like you described in your blog: https://datatables.net/blog/2016-03-25.
I tried to do this using your example but I always got the "Fatal error"; the debug option didn't work unfortunately, I could not see the SQL generated from this, but I could see that the id of the users table wasn't sent to the server. I couldn't send it myself by defining it as SET_CREATE either. Obviously the fatal error was caused by a null insert into the users table because I didn't submit any values for the users table.
I have a workaround now: I edit the link table directly as a child table (as in your blog; not your other definition of child table which seems to be the drop down for fields that don't fit into a table row when using the responsive option - that is a bit confusing for me - I read a lot about child tables here but I obviously had no idea what was really meant : ...), but it needs a separate id field even though this is normally redundant. I can live with that; I've just put a unique index on the two foreign keys. This way I also have the freedom to add additional attributes to the link table ...
This took me very, very long to find out ... Maybe you can add a warning to your example - or to your blog entry!
This is how I resolved it now. My users table is called "rfp" and my user_dept table is called "rfp_has_creditor".
As always your comments are appreciated.