error edito.datables

error edito.datables

dpapinidpapini Posts: 13Questions: 4Answers: 0

hi. i recive this error when i try to use the fileds definition

dataTables.editor.min.js:683 Uncaught TypeError: f[E4n] is not a function

my javascript code is the follow

var editor; $(document).ready(function () { //editor definition editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({ ajax: { create: { type: 'POST', url: App.getGlobalWcfPath() +"CreateRole", dataType: "jsonp", }, edit: { type: 'POST', url: App.getGlobalWcfPath() +"UpdateRole", dataType: "jsonp", }, remove: { type: 'POST', url: App.getGlobalWcfPath() +"DeleteRole", dataType: "jsonp", } }, table:"#tableRole", //idSrc:'id', fields: [ { label: "ID" , name: "id" }, { label: "Text" , name: "text" }, ] }); //datatable definition $('#tableRole').dataTable({ dom: 'Bfrtip', ajax:{ type: "POST", data: function ( d ) { d.myKey = "myValue"; }, url: App.getGlobalWcfPath() +"GetRole", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "jsonp", dataSrc: function(result){ var parseJson = $.parseJSON(result.Data); result.draw = parseJson.draw; result.recordsTotal = parseJson.recordsTotal; result.recordsFiltered = parseJson.recordsFiltered;; return; } }, serverSide:true, processing:true, ordering :true, paging :true, searching :true, order: [[ 0, 'asc' ]], columns: [ {"data":"id", "title":"Identificativo", "class":"center", "orderable":"true", }, {"data":"text", "title":"Testo", "class":"left", "orderable":"false", }, ], select: true, buttons: [ { extend: "create" , editor: editor , className: "btn btn-circle btn-icon-only btn-default" , text:"" }, { extend: "edit" , editor: editor , className: "btn btn-circle btn-icon-only btn-default" , text:"" }, { extend: "remove" , editor: editor , className: "btn btn-circle btn-icon-only btn-default" , text:"" } ], preDrawCallback: function (oSettings) { $(this).find('tbody').hide(); return true; }, drawCallback: function (oSettings) { $(this).find('tbody').show("fast", function () { $('#loadRole').hide(); $('#loader-wrapper').hide(); }); }, }); $("#tableRole"+"_wrapper").addClass('actions'); $('.dt-buttons').attr("style", "margin-top:-60px !important") editor.on('onInitEdit', function () {; } ); });

My html code is the follow

Nessun risultato

thank you in advance


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,558Questions: 26Answers: 4,994

    You probably need to verify the order you are loading the jquery and datatables libraries.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,834Questions: 1Answers: 10,518 Site admin


    Your Editor trial has expired. It should actually show an error message stating that fact, but there was a period a little while ago when that wasn't working, and it looks like your trial was one of them I'm afraid.

    If you would like you continue using Editor, a license can be purchased here.


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