Warning unknown parameter '1' for row 0, column 1
Warning unknown parameter '1' for row 0, column 1
Before describing my problem, I want to say that I looked for answers to similar questions, but in vain I failed to understand or solve my problem.
My problem is as follows:
-I receive a warning : " DataTables warning: table id=myDatatable - Requested unknown parameter '1' for row 0, column 1. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/4 "
-My Json response from server side is: "{"iTotalRecords":21,"aaData":[["ad","qsdsqd","H","Agadir","(654) 651-151651"],["aq","aqaq","H","Agadir","(651) 651-651531"],["asas","asas","H","Agadir","(544) 535-434534"],["bad","bad","H","Safi","(513) 213-516513"],["Belhachmi","Amine","H","Rabat","(212) 555-102548"]],"iTotalDisplayRecords":21,"sEcho":1}"
-The information is correct, but the answer is in the first column.
To help you to understand me:
DataTables debugger : debug.datatables.net/ebiwuc
I also join some screenshots from my project.
Thank you in advance .
After several attempts, tests and modifications , I have no clue until now ; I just know that when I put in mDataProp a 0 it recognizes the parameter being the first column. I really hope for some help, because I block and I need an external look.