Beginner Question: How do I make an AJAX call?

Beginner Question: How do I make an AJAX call?

plica2006plica2006 Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2016 in Free community support

Sorry for this basic question.. but I can't figure out by myself how to apply the explanations given on this site about Ajax to my Datatable.

I have a text box near my Datatable. It has CSS Class "num_items". When I type a value in it makes another Ajax call and redraws the Datatable based on a query result from the database and server side processing:

$("input[type='text'].num_items").focusout( function() { 
} );

I use Datatables "fnServerData": parameter within the var oTable = $("#mydatatable").dataTable( {.....}); call to send the value in the text box to server side processing to ultimately query the database...

        "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
                aoData.push( { "name": "min_qty", "value": $("#minQty").val() } );
                aoData.push( { "name": "max_qty", "value": $("#maxQty").val() } );
                $.ajax( {
                    "dataType": 'json',
                    "type": "GET",
                    "url": sSource,
                    "data": aoData,
                    "success": fnCallback
                } );

But now I want to do something a bit different. I have a PopUp overlay that I want to display values in based on the row in the datatable that the user clicks on. I want to query the database to get this additional info and will need to send a unique identifier from the row that was clicked on. So basically I need to do an Ajax call but I don't know how to!

Can I do something like this? When the row is clicked on I want to make a query to the database but without having to use oTable.fnDraw(); which would make a full resort and re-filter of the table.

    $(document).on("click","table.display td.drug_name", function() { 
               "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
                     aoData.push( { "name": "min_qty", "value": $("#minQty").val() } );
                     aoData.push( { "name": "max_qty", "value": $("#maxQty").val() } );
                     $.ajax( {
                         "dataType": 'json',
                         "type": "GET",
                         "url": sSource,
                         "data": aoData,
                         "success": fnCallback
                     } );

Finally, with serverside processing I'm used to having the line:

echo json_encode( $output );

.. which someone magically returns the query result from the database and Datatables knows how to display that in the table. But in my case here, how would I capture the query result in my jQuery onclick Row function..

$(document).on("click","table.display td.drug_name", function() { 
Want to make Ajax call here and get result back here also !!

Sorry for the long winded question!

Thank you in advance.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,836Questions: 1Answers: 10,518 Site admin

    If you are using a legacy version of DataTables (which it looks like you are from the old function names), you could just call fnDraw inside your click event handler which will redraw the table. If you have server-side processing enabled, that means that an Ajax request will be made for you.


  • plica2006plica2006 Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Hi Allan,

    Thanks for responding and also for making Datatables which is so useful and really brilliant.

    Basically I could have phrased my original post.. "What is Ajax and how does it work?" I did alot of googling and learned a bit about it which has given me a better understanding of how Datatables works. I didn't realise the webpage wasn't reloading just the DIV that contains the Datatable. That's really cool.

    Basically I understand that calling myDatatable.fnDraw() makes an Ajax request to get more data from Server Side and then re-sort and re-draw the whole Datatable. But all I wanted to do was get an extra bit of info from the database based on a user clicking an individual row on the table. I then wanted to display that information on a popup. I thought fnDraw() would be an inefficient use of the database server that could slow things down and make for hacky code.

    Here is the (hacky!) code I put together in case anyone else needs it. When you click on a column in the table jquery gets some properties of its row and uses Ajax to make a quick request to the database to get some additional info to be displayed on a popup.

    In my main php file that contains the Datatable:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var oTable = $("#myDataTable").dataTable( {
         // Initialise the datatable
    $(document).on("click","table.display td.item_name", function() { 
         * Get the Shelf and Channel number of the item name that was clicked on
            var aRow = $(this).closest("tr"),
            thisShelf = aRow.find("td:nth-child(1)"),
            thisChannel = aRow.find("td:nth-child(2)");
                //alert("Shelf is: " + thisShelf.text() + " Channel is: " + thisChannel.text());
         * Use AJAX to make an asynchronous call to the DB to get the extra data for the item that was clicked on.
                url: "Includes/Ajax.php",       
                type: "GET",
                data: { "queryType": "select", "shelf" : thisShelf.text(), "channel" : thisChannel.text()},
                dataType: "json",       //data format      
                success: function(data) //on recieve of reply
                alert("Success, Data Length is: " + data.length);
                var item = data[0];
                alert("OID: " + item.oid + " Shelf: " + item.shelf2 + " Channel: " + item.bin + " Name: " + + " Quantity: " + item.stock);
                error: function (request, status, error) {
    }); // end of $(document).ready

    Now in Ajax.php....


    include "functions.php";

    // Code goes here to connect to the database

    // Get the value passed from Ajax
        $squeryType = trim($_GET['queryType']);
        //error_log("Query Type is: " . $squeryType);

    * Execute the Ajax Select Query
    if( $squeryType === 'select'){
    // Get the Shelf and Channel number of the Item that was clicked on
    $sShelf = trim($_GET['shelf']);
    $sChannel = trim($_GET['channel']);
    // Execute the Ajax Select Query
    // function ajax_select() just assembles the Query String and is defined in functions.php
    $sAjaxSelectQuery = ajax_select($sShelf,$sChannel);
    //error_log("Ajax Select Query is: " . $sAjaxSelectQuery);

        if (pg_send_query($link, $sAjaxSelectQuery)) {
          if ($res) {
            $state = pg_result_error_field($res, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
            if ($state==0) {
              // success
                //$numrows = pg_numrows($res);
            else {
                error_log("Error : Some kinda error happened when connecting to the database performing the Ajax Select Query!\n");
    // Names in $pgColumns are used to retrieve the column values from the $pgRow array below.
    // Column names in $pgColumns must match the column names returned by the SQL Query.
        $pgColumns = array('oid','shelf2','bin','name','stock'');
        $pgOutput = array();
        while ( $aRow = pg_fetch_array( $res ) ) {
        $pgRow = array();
            for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($pgColumns) ; $i++ ) {
                if ( $pgColumns[$i] != ' ' ) {
                    $v = $aRow[ $pgColumns[$i] ];
                    $v = mb_check_encoding($v, 'UTF-8') ? $v : utf8_encode($v);
            If (!empty($pgRow)) {
                $pgOutput[] = array(
                    'oid'   => $pgRow[0],
                    'shelf2'  => $pgRow[1],
                    'bin'  => $pgRow[2],
                    'name'  => $pgRow[3],
                    'stock'  => $pgRow[4]
        //header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode($pgOutput);            


    <?php > ``` I used some of your ServerSide processing code to create an array of JSON formatted data to return to the AJAX calling function --> success: function(data){} in my main php page. ?>

    So there it is. I guess it ain't pretty, I'm just a hobbyist coder. But for my little use case it does what I need and I enjoyed figuring out at least this much.

    Thank you and happy coding :)

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