Custom soring function not working

Custom soring function not working

kajacxkajacx Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have followed on how to create a custom sorting function, but it doesn't work. Here is my code:

        responsive: true,
        columnDefs: [
            {searchable: false, targets: 0},
        "columnDefs": [
            { "sType": "string", "aTargets": [ 1 ] }
        "language": {
            "search": "Vyhledávání:",
            "lengthMenu": "Zobrazit _MENU_ záznamů na stránku",
            "zeroRecords": "Žádné vyhovující záznamy",
            "info": "Zobrazena strana _PAGE_ z _PAGES_ (celkem _TOTAL_ pacientů)",
            "infoEmpty": "Žádné dostupné záznamy",
            "infoFiltered": "(celkem nalezeno z _MAX_ celkových záznamů)",
            "paginate": {
                "previous": "Předchozí",
                "next": "Následující"

    //TEST: use locale sorting
    console.log("TEST 6");
    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['string-asc'] = function(x,y) {
        return x.toString().localeCompare(y.toString());

    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['string-desc'] = function(x,y) {
        return y.toString().localeCompare(x.toString());

However, I only see "TEST 6" in console, and not "TEST" nor "TEST2", even if I'm spamming the sort button on all columns. What am I doing wrong? Also, what is the difference between "columnDefs" and "columnDefs"?


  • epicatizationepicatization Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

    I had same problem, i have solved this by changing, type from 'string' to any other word. It is big mindfuk for me aswell !

    $.fn.dataTable.ext.oSort['string-asc'] = (x,y)-> x.localeCompare(y)
    $.fn.dataTable.ext.oSort['string-desc'] = (x,y)-> y.localeCompare(x)
    columnDefs: [{targets:'_all', type: 'sortme'}]

    No clue why chaing type to anything diffrent than 'string' fixed sorting functions... Really weird.
    Any1 could say, why is it working that way?

  • jr42.gordonjr42.gordon Posts: 305Questions: 2Answers: 49

    "sType" is old, simply use "type". Also, as @epicatization pointed out, I would provide your own special type name to this column.

    Column config

    columnDefs: [{targets:1, type: 'sortme'}]

    Custom sorting function

    $.fn.dataTable.ext.type.order['sortme-asc'] = function ( a) {
    // sorting logic here
    $.fn.dataTable.ext.type.order['sortme-desc'] = function ( a) {
    // sorting logic here

    However, I have had numerous issues with '-asc' & '-desc' not firing. Alternatively, I would simply use the '-pre' notation as DataTables is pretty smart in its sorting. This allows you to format the data for appropriate sorting. Be aware that using this overrides '-asc' & '-desc'.

    $.fn.dataTable.ext.type.order['sortme-pre'] = function ( a) {
    // sorting logic here
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