showing nan of nan
showing nan of nan
I am converting a DataTable to use serverside processing to reduce load times and I cannot for the life of me work out why the footer isn't working.
I am using DataTables 1.8.4 I think.
Most answers I have come across mention iTotalDisplayRecordsneeds to be present and accurate which I believe it is.
So if anyone can help me it would be fantastic.
Due to the data being private I can't show you a copy but here is the code and JSON.
The jQuery
if ($(this).hasClass("customerOrderTable")) {
"bPaginate": true,
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [10, 25, 50, 100],
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaSorting": [[s, sdir]],
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "PathToController?RequestId=" + requestId,
"bProcessing": true,
"aoColumns": [
{ "sName": "OrderNumber" },
{ "sName": "OrderDate" },
"sName": "OrderStatus",
"fnRender": function (oObj)
return "<span class='badge " + oObj.aData[9] +"'>" + oObj.aData[2] + "</span>";
{ "sName": "DeliveryDetails" },
{ "sName": "InvoiceDetails" },
{ "sName": "Value" },
{ "sName": "Balance" },
{ "sName": "CustomerType" },
"sName": "Details",
"bSearchable": false,
"bSortable": false,
"fnRender": function (oObj)
return "<a class='btn btn-mini' href='PathToController"
+ oObj.aData[8] + "'>Details...</a>";
The Controller
var customerQuery = (from c in customer.Orders
select c);
int totalRecords = customerQuery.Count();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestModel.sSearch))
customerQuery = customerQuery.Where(c => c.OrderNumber.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryLastname.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryAddress1.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryPostcode.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.InvoiceDelivery.ToString().Contains(requestModel.sSearch));
var orderResult = Helpers.Contact.GetCustomerOrdersList(customer, requestModel);
int totalDisplay = customerQuery.Count();
return Json(new
sEcho = int.Parse(requestModel.sEcho),
iTotalRecords = totalRecords,
iTotalDisplayRecords = totalDisplay,
aaData = orderResult,
//iDisplayStart = requestModel.iDisplayStart,
//iDisplayLength = requestModel.iDisplayLength
The helper class:
var customerQuery = (from c in entity.Orders
select c);
//I am aware the ordering wont work until this is updated
customerQuery = customerQuery.OrderBy(c => c.OrderNumber);
customerQuery = customerQuery.Where(c => c.OrderNumber.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryLastname.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryAddress1.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.DeliveryPostcode.Contains(requestModel.sSearch)
|| c.InvoiceDelivery.ToString().Contains(requestModel.sSearch));
customerQuery = customerQuery.Skip(requestModel.iDisplayStart).Take(requestModel.iDisplayLength);
ICollection<Business.OrderSummaryModel> ordersList = (from c in customerQuery
select Business.OrderSummaryModel.MapEntityToSummaryModel(c)).ToList();
var result = (from x in ordersList
select new[] {
x.DeliveryName + "/" + x.DeliveryPostcode,
x.BillingName + "/" + x.BillingPostcode,
x.Currency + x.InvoiceGrandTotal.ToString("#,##0.00"),
x.Currency + x.OutstandingBalance.ToString("#,##0.00"),
return result;
"26/06/2013 14:03:27",
Is anyone able to help me?