Reset Filter Link as a part of plugin
Reset Filter Link as a part of plugin
I have an Angular Datatable and I am using jQuery _ColumnFilterWidgets.js _ plugin for filtering. I am able to set all multiple filters on my screen but I am having difficulties adding a "reset filter" link which resets all filters and dataset in the datatable.
I am using the ColumnFilterWidgets.js Version: 1.0.2..
Here is my JS code.
$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
.withOption('iDisplayLength', 25)
.withLanguage({"sEmptyTable":"No quotes available"})
.withOption('sDom', 'W<"clear">lrtip')
/0 */ {"bVisible":false},
/1/ {"bVisible":false},
/2 / {"bVisible":false},
/3/ {"bVisible":false},
/4 / {"bVisible":false},
/5 / {"bVisible":false},
/5 / {"bVisible":false},
/6 / {"bVisible":true},
/7/ {"bVisible":false},
/8/ {"bVisible":false},
/9 / {"bVisible":false},
/10 / {"bVisible":false},
"sSeparator": "\s/+\s*",
"bGroupTerms": false,
I hope I have proivided the enough explanation. Any help is appreciated. Thanks