Search Boxes reappearing after DataTables Refresh, not being hidden by responsive.
Search Boxes reappearing after DataTables Refresh, not being hidden by responsive.
I have an interesting issue that I am currently unable to resolve in regards to DataTables and the responsive plugin.
The DataTable setup debug can be found here:
It's currently has two header rows, one for searching and one for sorting, and due to space limitations has the responsive put on it and hides a few columns upon load. Which is what I was expecting and wanted.
Now I have a form that allows users to update a record on that datatable and then it goes off and refreshes the DataTable, but it doesn't redraw the search boxes in a responsive way, aka it still shows all the input boxes rather then hiding some of them.
Expected DataTable layout: (This a fresh initial load of the datatable)
What happens after a refresh: (Goes off, regrabs the data, and re-draws the table)
Now i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, for it to not redraw the responsive stuff, but it fixes it's self upon a Window resize.
Any help would be appreciated.