Why colReorder reset is modifying x-editable span tag?

Why colReorder reset is modifying x-editable span tag?

Roberto RieloRoberto Rielo Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

I've initialized x-editable component inside a datatable and the html before reset the colReorder is:

<span class="sg-editable-talla editable editable-click editable-disabled" data-pk="30" data-type="text" tabindex="-1">D3XL-14 (84-108 cm)</span>

But after some modifications in the column order I call this function:


After that, every span tag is modified, removing "editable editable-click editable-disabled" classes and finally the element lost the x-editable feature magically.

<span class="sg-editable-talla" data-pk="30" data-type="text">D3XL-14 (84-108 cm)</span>

I hope you can help me.

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