Has anybody had any luck using input.js plugin with bootstrap 3 and datatables 1.10
Has anybody had any luck using input.js plugin with bootstrap 3 and datatables 1.10
Good evening all,
I am quite new to working with web projects and datatable so go easy on me
I currently have a local project using datatables 1.10 with bootstrap 3, I would like to use the input.js pagination plugin: https://datatables.net/plug-ins/pagination/input
I need to somehow work out a way of creating the elements with the correct class name and as <li> elements instead of <span> elements but have not had much luck as of yet.
There is a working version for legacy but I have not had any luck with the new version of datatables: https://datatables.net/forums/discussion/comment/77724/#Comment_77724
has anyone had any luck with this or would be able to offer me any hints on how I could achieve this?
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That plug-in isn't suitable for use with Bootstrap since the markup it uses isn't compatible with Bootstrap's pagination control.
To be honest it would be easier to write a new version of that plug-in that works with Bootstrap rather than to try and make the old one work.