unexpected font color applied to HTML on datatables page

unexpected font color applied to HTML on datatables page

LauraSuzyLauraSuzy Posts: 12Questions: 4Answers: 1

Hello, I have a strange CSS problem that I cannot figure out. It seems that for some reason, CSS style code is being added inline on the page where I am using datatables, and it is coloring all of my text orange! I cannot find the specification in any CSS file, and it is not in my PHP, so it must be being added by javascript at render time, I am assuming by DataTables. Is that possible?

For example, I have an h2 element above my table, and when I load the page, a strong element has been added inside it, like this:

<h2><strong style="color: #ff6600; line-height: 1.5em;">Show Me By:</strong></h2>

And then the same thing is being added wrapped around my table definition. It is bizarre! Could something in my DataTables definition be adding this somehow? See the following URL to take a look:


Thanks for your help!

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