TableTools Strips not only html but text too?

TableTools Strips not only html but text too?

dpskdpsk Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

I have following html in the column

<td><span class="nickname-editable editable editable-click" title="Account Nickname" data-model="account" data-name="nick_name" data-value="14 District" data-placeholder="Account Nickname" data-url="/accounts/16979">14 District</span></td>

When i'm exporting i expeting 14 District to go though, but i always get blank column, any hints?

Related code

oTableTools: { aButtons: [{ sExtends: "collection", sButtonText: "Export", sButtonClass: "btn btn-primary btn-sm", aButtons: [{ sExtends: "xls", sButtonText: "Excel", sFileName: "*.xls" }, { sExtends: "pdf", sPdfOrientation: "landscape", }] }], sSwfPath: "/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf" },
This is true for both PDF and XLS


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