scroller.loadingIndicator not working correctly when searching

scroller.loadingIndicator not working correctly when searching

MadEggMadEgg Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

I'm using DataTables with jquery ui integration and the scroller add-on. It works fine for the most part, but the loadingIndicator isn't working properly when searching.

When scrolling down quickly the loading indicator appears, but when searching, nothing appears.

My initialization code is:

    var dt = $this.DataTable({
        'processing': true,
        'serverSide': serverSide,
        'searchDelay': searchDelay,
        'ajax': url,
        'columns': cols, // array with column definitions
        'pageLength': 15,
        'lengthMenu': [15, 30, 50, 100, 250, 500],
        'scrollY': height,
        'order': order,
        'deferRender': true,
        'scroller': {
            'loadingIndicator': true,
            'serverWait': 500
        'autoWidth': autowidth

So I've got both processing and scroller.loadingIndicator set to true, but still no indicator appears when searching. Any clues?

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