How can I limit (any) cell content to its column width, not character count, hiding the overflow ?
How can I limit (any) cell content to its column width, not character count, hiding the overflow ?
Hi, ( I'm still quite new to dataTables, so please forget basic errors...)
I already tried the ellipsis plugin (, using a column setting like
columnDefs: [ {
targets: "_all",
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(18, true)
} ]
And it works, but since (afaik) it only limits the amount of displayed text by a fixed (18 in the example) char count... I need to dynamically adapt the text to the current column width... like I can do in css setting max-width: + overflow: + text-overflow: properties...
Is it possible in dataTables, and how, or what's the best way to deal with this?