Unable to subscribe to change event on input radio
Unable to subscribe to change event on input radio
I'm trying to subscribe to the 'change' event for some input radio I have in a Datatable, but the event never fires.
I've added the class='radioEvent' to each radio element to try to select it even via class name but it doesn't work too.
I've tried these code but none of these works:
$("#tbApps").on('change','.radioEvent',, function(){ alert('click!!');});
$('#tbApps').on('click','input[type=radio]','td',function () { alert('click')});
$('#tbApps tbody').on('click','input','td',function () { alert('click')});
Solved by myself.
The problem is that the radio are styled with the iCheck plugin of Fronteed so it responses only to it's own events, in this 'ifChecked' event.