Datatable are too slow while loading more than 5000 rows from server

Datatable are too slow while loading more than 5000 rows from server

sarpratapsarpratap Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

Hi Allan, I am working in one company where we have database of over 35k rows and we are fetching more than 5000 rows for admin panel but it take around 20 to 30 sec. before when rows are not more then it take around 5 sec.
We have two database servers for two various admin panel and one has less rows which take less time to load data but one have large data set which take more time to load all data.
We are using datatable version 1.10.7 and send ajax call for PHP file which take data from database and send it on json format and then we are displaying it on panel.

Can you suggest what to do ?

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