Datatable aoColumns bSearchable

Datatable aoColumns bSearchable

enriquebolsouyenriquebolsouy Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Hi. I want to add the searchable mode to some columns table, but It's not working. Here is my code:

 var tableM = $('#tablaPersonasAsistentes').DataTable({
            "bFilter": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "processing": false,
            "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
            "sAjaxSource": "@Url.Action("LoadTables", "Inscripto")",
            "fnServerParams": function (aoData) {
                aoData.push({ "name": "evento", "value": @ViewBag.Evento });
            "destroy": true,
            "order": [[2, "desc"]],
            "aoColumns": [
                            { "mData": "Persona.Nombre", "bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false },
                            { "mData": "Persona.Apellido", "bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false },
                            { "mData": "Persona.Email", "bSearchable": true, "bSortable": false },
                            { "mData": "Persona.Celular", "bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false },
                            { "mData": "Empresa", "bSearchable": true, "bSortable": false },
                            { "mData": "Tipo", "bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false }

            "aoColumnDefs": [{
                "aTargets": [6],
                "mRender": function (data, type, full) {
                    return '<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary ImprimirTicket" data-id="' + full.Persona.Id + "-" + "@ViewBag.Evento" + '" data-codigo="">Imprimir</a>'
                        "aTargets": [7],
                        "mRender": function (data, type, full) {
                            return '<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary EnviarCertificado" data-id="' + full.Persona.Id + '" data-evento="' + @ViewBag.Evento + '">Enviar Certificado</a>'
                "fnPreDrawCallback": function () {
                    // gather info to compose a message
                    return true;
                "fnDrawCallback": function () {
                    // in case your overlay needs to be put away automatically you can put it here

I don´t have a URL with the current code. Sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker.

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