What is the future of DataTables?

What is the future of DataTables?

mgmg Posts: 47Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2011 in General
I just read the jQuery UI blog post about the UI team
beginning work on their own grid.


The post (as it rightly should) mentions DataTables as one
of the current favorite grid plug-ins.

Maybe this is jumping too far ahead, but I'm wondering what
the implications are for the future design and development of DataTables?


  • allanallan Posts: 64,052Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin
    Hi mg,

    I think it's a good and fair question to ask, as a developer yourself, and everyone else using DataTables, you will want to know that it will continue to evolve and improve. And it will!

    The DataTables code is already very stable and has a wide array of features. There is also a large set of plug-ins which enhance it even further and is complete with solid documentation - this can't be taken away (due to it's open source nature :-) ). I'm very happy with the evolution of DataTables to this point, and don't see any change to the progress that is being made with DataTables.

    One of the areas I'm absolutely delighted with is this forum, and more generally the community that has built up around DataTables. There are some excellent questions being asked in this forum, with some equally excellent answers. Use cases crop up for DataTables that I would never have even thought of, and this feedback and the depth of knowledge in the community makes it a pleasure to work on.

    I've got a _lot_ of ideas for how to improve DataTables further and will continue to work on it to implement and deploy these ideas. Obviously I'm just one person, and don't have the resources of the jQuery UI team - so I can't dedicate nearly as much time as I would like to for development of DataTables (bills to pay so a full time job which isn't DataTables is required), also support takes a good bit of time.

    Some of the ideas I'd like to implement:
    - Restructuring of the DataTables core code to be more memory efficient
    - Custom events (onSort for example)
    - Overridable defaults
    - Release based documentation (with a offline option)
    - A revamp of the API to make it a lot more consistent
    - Plenty of others :-)

    Ideally I would be in a position where I could work on DataTables full time and improve and support it as I would wish (if anyone want to talk to me about making that possible - http://datatables.net/contact ...). However, even as my "side-project" DataTables will continue to be developed and supported.

    Long story short, the future of DataTables is bright.

  • mgmg Posts: 47Questions: 0Answers: 0
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