columnDefs target class not working
columnDefs target class not working

i am developing a module for the awesome processwire cms for datatables:
the principle is to populate all the columDefs BEFORE initializing the table because that way i can control most of it on the backend and modify only the needed columns by referencing them via their name and not via their index (this makes rearranging/removing/adding columns via the backend very easy).
i have a table that should render currency values as formatted locales, so i created a render function for this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// setup variables
var opt = ProcessWire.config.dt_kundenliste; // options from backend
var colDefs = []; // column definitions
// custom column definitions here
targets: 'euro', // does NOT work :(
// [3,4,5] works
// opt.colnames.indexOf('net2017'), works
render: function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
if(type === 'display') {
var num = parseFloat(data);
if(num) {
return num.toLocaleString('de-DE', {
/*style: 'currency',
currency: 'EUR',*/
minimumFractionDigits: 2
return data;
// load default column definitions
colDefs = colDefs.concat(dtGetDefaultDefs(opt));
// initialise table
ajax: {
url: './kundenliste/',
type: 'post',
data: function(d) {
d.year = $('#year').val();
columnDefs: colDefs,
/*scrollY: "400px",
scrollCollapse: true,*/
scrollX: "100%",
pageLength: 10,
the default coldefs are populated like this:
* get default options for columns
* @param {object} opt; options that are set via PHP
* @return {array}
var dtGetDefaultDefs = function(opt) {
var defs = [];
// loop over all columns
var i;
for(i=0; i<opt.cols.length; i++) {
targets: i,
title: (opt.cols[i].title ? opt.cols[i].title : opt.cols[i].name),
data: opt.cols[i].name,
className: opt.cols[i].class,
return defs;
the problem is that is does NOT work when using a classname to select. but the classname is defined properly (see screenshot).
am i doing anything wrong or is this a bug?
thank you for your help!!
any ideas?